Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Nick and I are very lucky! We live really close to both of our families, so for Thanksgiving we got to be with both families for part of the day! I am so thankful for all that I have! I am so fortunate to have such great family, friends and such an amazing husband. I am also so grateful that we were able to move into a new house recently. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

With everyone together on my side of the family for Thanksgiving, my mom thought it was a perfect opportunity to take family Christmas pictures! I am actually surprised we got a good one with this big group of ours! :P

This was actually taken at the chocolate expo when we went with my family just before Thanksgiving. I just love this picture. Nick with my sweetest littlest niece! Doesn't he look so natural with a little baby in his arms ;)!
I just think this picture is kind of funny... and so typical! Me trying to take a cute smile picture and Nick always pulling a funny face!

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